My New Retailing Book Full of Data & Ideas Available Today!


As you know, I love retailing, and have since I was 12 years old. A lifetime of visiting retail stores, teaching retailing, founding BOOKSTOP and serving on the Board of Whole Foods Market for five years, and trying to sort out the winners from the losers has led me to create Gary Hoover’s Retail Handbook 2016.

I wrote this unusual 214-page PDF, a blend of text, data, and key concepts (PowerPoint style) for my own use, because I wanted all this information in one place and easy to find and understand.

The first section is a brief history of the most important retail innovations and innovators.

Second is a major work, “Think Like a Merchant,” which covers the mindsets leading to retail success; the basic ideas about products, customers, real estate, etc.; and the business models of retailing: how their finances work and how to maximize profitability.

The big third section is “Retailing Trends and Giants 2016” which goes into detail on long-term and recent trends in retail sales and profits, including analyses and comments on the largest retailers in groceries, drug stores, home improvement, department stores, supercenters, warehouse clubs, and other categories. It even includes projections on the future of ECommerce.

Nowhere else will you find so much timely information and so many lists combined into one report!

Gary Hoover’s Retail Handbook 2016 is ideal for retail investors and strategists, those leading or working for retail or ECommerce companies, suppliers and vendors of merchandise and technology, real estate developers, and any retailing student or enthusiast.

The book also includes a list of resources to learn more, an Appendix full of historical financial data on the biggest retailers based on original research, and notes on the other retail consulting and education services I offer.

See sample pages below.

Please tell your friends about the book – anyone interested in retailing.
But please do not circulate or share the book.

If you know of anyone who would like to write and publish (including online) a review of the book, please let me know and I will get them a complimentary review copy.


Gary Hoover

To buy your copy, only $30, click here!

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