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Tag: geography

10 Reasons You Should Jump on the Next Flight to Mexico...

I moved from the Midwest to Austin 33 years ago.  An old college-era friend from New York soon suggested we meet up in Mexico...

Four Reference Books about the World that Every Leader and Voter...

I began collecting books at about age 7 and have never stopped.  Today I live with around 56,000 books.  So it was inevitable that...

Video Jobs in America

Everyone is talking about how America needs more jobs. Some of this conversation says the key job creators are small businesses. Here are a couple of...

Video Book Review Almanac of America

Here is one of my favorite and absolutely required reference books. If you want to understand America, Americans, and our cities and regions, this is...

Buy My Book!

Buy a PDF version of my expanded book on original thinking and thinking like an entrepreneur here: https://garyhoover.dpdcart.com.  You can also scan through selected...

Video: Book Review Data for World Understanding

Here is my first try at a video book review.  This just-released book is one that every thinking person should own.  At least anyone...

Costa Rica

  It is about impossible to pick the best city or best country, or rank them, even when you limit it to your own...

Does Your City, State, or Region have an Encyclopedia?

As a lover of cities, of geography, and of reference books, I have been delighted by the trend over the last 20 years to...

Understanding the Middle East

  Why I love studying the Middle East   No place in the world outside the United States has captured a greater share of American attention since...