Two Must-Have New Books for Every Educated American


In this era of heated debates, online and off, on every subject imaginable, knowing the facts has never been more important.  And those who know the facts know and use reference books.

In recent weeks, new annual editions of two of the most important reference books were released, both full of facts that relate to the lives and businesses of every American.

As a book seller and collector, I have often been asked, “What is your favorite book?”  My answer has always been, “The World Almanac.”  I have every issue of this great annual factbook starting in 1959, when I was eight years old.  I devour it as soon as I get the new edition.  Nowhere can you get as much information about every aspect of America and the world for $15

The World Almanac, one of the best-selling American books of all time at over 80 million copies, has been published every year since 1886.  Whether you desire to know how much the government spends, who is the Governor of any state or leader of any nation, the population of every US county and how they voted for President, the age of your favorite movie star or musician, or who won the Superbowl in 1995, the answers are in the 1,008 pages of this book.  No home should be without it!

(To see my 160 favorite books and learn how I digest most nonfiction books in under thirty minutes without speed reading, check out my 2017 book.)

The other book I urge every thoughtful American to own is substantially more expensive than The World Almanac, but it still offers incredible value for anyone who wants to understand the world around us.

The Almanac of American Politics was first issued for the 1972 elections.  That was the first time I was old enough to vote for President, and I bought the book.  Every two years since then, a group of political experts compiles this awesome book.  It would be hard to find any book on politics which comes closer to being unbiased and non-partisan.  Which brings us to the 50th anniversary edition, for 2022, now available here.

While this book describes the background, politics, and voting record of every Governor and member of both houses of Congress, it also describes each state and congressional district.  No single book yields as much information about America’s regions, states, and cities, and the people who live and work there.  So even if you are not interested in figuring out who to vote for (and why), the book serves as the best guide to America, its people, and how those people vary across the land.  No serious politician, political scientist, or journalist can be found without the latest edition.

Some readers may balk at the $94 price tag for the paperback edition.  Yet how often have you paid that much for one night in a mediocre hotel?  How many nice meals or video games will $94 buy?  For $94 you get two years of knowledge and insights that few people have.  The task of putting together 2,022 pages packed with valuable information is neither easy nor cheap. 

I have purchased all 26 issues and never regretted a penny of the cost.  I would far rather they raise the price than stop publishing the book (as the federal government did with the very useful Statistical Abstract of the United States, after over 100 years of publication; today a company publishes it at far higher prices).

If it helps, think of the two books as a required package, costing about $110 all together, less than four cents per page.  If you read the books closely, if you think about what the information tells you, you will understand the facts and the real world far better than most of your friends and neighbors!

Gary Hoover