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Our Great Department Stores 40 Years Ago

Here is the article closest to my heart, which I had never intended to publish this soon, but once I got rolling on it,...

Video Book Review Retail History the A&P

I think we need to study innovation in the service industries, which will dominate our global economy more and more in the coming decades. Very...

Buy My Book!

Buy a PDF version of my expanded book on original thinking and thinking like an entrepreneur here: https://garyhoover.dpdcart.com.  You can also scan through selected...

A Beauty of A Business History

 I continue to seek out the best business history books I can find. While I love many of the books, I find relatively few...

Does Your City, State, or Region have an Encyclopedia?

As a lover of cities, of geography, and of reference books, I have been delighted by the trend over the last 20 years to...

Understanding the Middle East

  Why I love studying the Middle East   No place in the world outside the United States has captured a greater share of American attention since...

Everything you ever wanted to know about American Food and Drink

I don’t even cook, but I do eat and drink. How could you not be fascinated by the story of foods and beverages, their endless...

History of the 20th Century and Its Music all in One...

 The Rest is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century (2007, Farrar, Straus and Giroux) is an incredibly good book by the music critic for...

Immigrants !!!*?@!*???

Immigrants! Immigrants! Seems like they are all over the news these days, legal ones and illegal ones and how we can keep America pure. But you don’t...