On TV and the Internet



Both my latest book, The Lifetime Learner’s Guide to Reading and Learning, and our American Business History Center are getting more visibility these days.

On Reading and Learning

On the Internet:

A podcast series called The Art of Manliness is listened to by over two million people.  I just finished this interview about reading and learning on that podcast, available here.

Months ago, I did a text interview about my library, which people often ask me about.  It can be found here.

On TV: Last month, C-SPAN BookTV interviewed me about my book.  It will be broadcast on C-SPAN2 four times on Sunday, August 29, and then should also be up on the CSPAN website.  Here is the schedule:

Business History

On the Internet:

Here is a text interview with me that was well-done.

On TV:

Sunday August 22, in the evening, the History Channel begins a new series entitled The Machines that Built America Snack Sized.  The channel has been running a series of hour-long shows called the Machines that Built America.  This “Snack Sized” is a new series, a half hour each.  I do not know which episodes I will be on, and in what order, but the series should be good.  We taped me talking about Chevy, Ford, and Harley-Davidson, but I am not sure which footage will be used.  In the episode about Boeing, I should be on there a lot.  I do not know when it will run.

Thanks to all the interviewers, podcasters, and broadcasters who made these things possible.
