How I Digest and Remember a Book in Under 30 Minutes


When I talk to people about books, or give a tour of my way-too-big personal library (over 56,000 books), the question I am asked most frequently is, “How do you have time to read all these books?” When I reply that I spend an average of 15-30 minutes with each of the many books I add each week, the response is usually, “So you are a speed reader?” In fact, I am an incredibly slow reader, so slow that they put me in remedial reading classes when I was a kid. In many ways, the crux of my method is about slowing down, not speeding up. So what is my method?

First of all, I should say my method, which I have come to call “digesting” a book, will not work for everyone, all the time, and it won’t work for every book. But it may prove useful to you.

I am first and foremost an information junkie. I love facts and ideas, and I want to get to them and get my head around them as efficiently as I can. I do not apply my method to fiction books. I often read each sentence at least twice, stopping to ponder the concept and its implications.

I buy every book with the expectation that it will become a reference book, something I will refer back to. I should also note that perhaps 75% of everything I learn from books is nowhere to be found online (often under copyright or it pre-dated the Internet). My first task is to get my hands (and mind) around the content of the book, and to remember that content.

Many books, particularly business books, should have been a 10 to 20 page article rather than a 200 to 300 page book. They contain one basic idea and then give example after example. Rarely do I need to read all of them. Sometimes the author will write book after book, often taking what was a fundamentally sound nugget of an idea and turning it into a career.

Getting Your Head Around a Book

My first step when I get a book is to gather the key data about the book. I read the flaps if it is a hardcover book. The front flap often contains a summary of the book, although you have to be very careful: it is not unusual that this summary (or “blurb”) was written by someone on the publishers’ staff who did not really understand the book and is trying to find something spicy or controversial to help sell the book to bookstore browsers.

The back flap, or sometimes the back cover, often contains a short biography of the author. Stop and think about what you read, about the author and where they live and what they have done, what their bias is likely to be. Are they are journalist who fell in love with a story, are they an experienced industry practitioner, are they a consultant or an academic? How might that impact their take?

I read the front cover and the back cover, which contain more puffery and summarization. I read the testimonials by others. Publishers seem to think “the bigger the celebrity the better.” I am very careful about what I believe. If I see a Nobel Prize winning economist praising another economist’s book, or Richard Branson saying this is a great book on entrepreneurship, I take that a bit more seriously. So I look at the names before I read what they have to say. But I always know that NO ONE can prejudge a book for me. Not even my friends!

It will surprise some people that I look at the name of the publisher. Where knowing a publisher comes in handy is in reference books, in series books, and in specialized subjects. If Oxford University Press publishes a book called a “Handbook of …” – on almost any subject – you know it is going to be a good one. Lonely Planet, Eyewitness, and Rough Guide travel guides may vary a bit in quality from country to country, but they will never be bad and will often be exceptional. If you want great car books, start with Motorbooks. If you want great books on collectibles, you can count on Schiffer Publications. If you want to understand railroads, check out the catalogs (usually available online) of Indiana University Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, and a couple of dozen specialty publishers. For great local history, seek out books by Arcadia or The History Press.

I stop briefly on the page after the title page, the one that has the publication date on it. Here you can also figure out if this is a first edition, and you can usually find the dates of prior editions. It is important to know when the book was written. A book about the rise of Hitler published before 1939 might have a little different take on him. Your old astronomy book will talk about the planet Pluto, now stripped of its title. Still, you may learn things from these older books, or get insights you would not otherwise gather. Don’t throw them out; just be aware of their age.

I would guess that on the average book I will have spent under 5 minutes doing these things. In many cases, I do all these things in the bookstore or online before I make my purchase decision. (Amazon’s “Look Inside” feature can be a huge help.) Next I start the real work of getting my mind around the ideas and facts in the book.

The Table of Contents

The most important pages to grasp are the table of contents. If the book is well thought out, this is a list of the key ideas in the book. Stop and take time on the table of contents. Some textbooks even contain a summary table of contents followed by a more detailed table of contents, taking more time to digest but proving worthwhile. Stop and think about each chapter title – what do I think that means? Is that a subject I already know something about – or think I know something about? Am I surprised to see that concept in this book?

And as I do all this, I give myself the freedom to jump into the book, a revolutionary thought for many readers.  Often I find that one chapter heading really hits me in the middle of the head: this is just why I bought this book! This is what I was hoping the author would tell me more about! I know all about this subject – I bet this author has it all wrong! I had no idea this person was interested in this aspect of the subject! Usually keeping one finger (or a small 3” sheet of origami paper which won’t bend the pages) in the table of contents so I don’t lose my place, and off I race.

The biggest change for most readers who try my method may be giving themselves this freedom to free-range through a book. Think about the old days when music was on cassette tapes – you had to listen to the first song before you listened to the second one, or go through the agonizing process of fast-forwarding.  This was the era of sequential thinking. Today we have CDs, and better yet MP3s, and we are into random access. You can go wherever you want, whenever you want. The book is your book, you have begun a conversation with the author, and you should feel free to interrupt, skip around, and ask questions at any time. If you give yourself this freedom, you will be amply rewarded.

(Also note that this is why I cannot read books on a computer or a Kindle, as cool as those gadgets may be. They are designed to be used sequentially and do not lend themselves to more efficient random access.)

Make sure you really grasp the table of contents, make sure you have a crystal clear idea of what the author will tell you in the book, what his or her key points are, and in what order he or she will tell you their points. A close and thoughtful reading of the table of contents will move you way ahead in getting your mind around a book and its contents with the least effort.

Diving Deeper

Then, depending on what I can tell from the table of contents, I often read the first several pages of the book, or more. However much it takes to get the basic drift. Most well-written nonfiction books will have an introduction, forward, preface, or first chapter that tells you what they are going to tell you later in the book. However, such sections are often burdened with fluff that tells you nothing, so even a sluggish reader like me can often zip right through most of this material. And I usually read the conclusion chapter.

So now I can say to myself, “So this is where this author is coming from, this is her background, this is her basic take on things, this is her message, these are what she considers the key points for me to understand, these are the subject areas within the broader topic that she focuses on.” Do not go any further until you can honestly say that to yourself about this book. If you have to read the first few paragraphs or last few paragraphs – or pages – of each chapter to get there – do it. If you have to take an hour with this book instead of 15 minutes, do it.  Do whatever it takes.

If the book has illustrations, photos, diagrams, charts, tables, or appendices, look at all these. Spend time on each, think deeply, draw your own conclusions beforelooking at the author’s interpretation. Often all the main concepts can be found in them. For example, most good biographies will have illustrations and photos, sometimes scattered through the book but often consolidated in a set of glossy pages inserted mid-book. These illustrations alone should tell the story of the person’s life – the high points, their kids, the places they lived, the concerts they performed, the awards and prizes they won, the famous people they met.

Chronologies, glossaries, and footnotes may be helpful. The bibliography tells you the author’s sources and yields gateways for further knowledge, always very important to me.

As I do all these things, I am always first and foremost looking for things I already know something about: people, places, events, and topics that I have already studied. This is THE key to remembering what you learn. If new information does not find a place to hang on the huge tree of knowledge in your head, it is never going to stick. This advice might not be helpful to someone reading their first book, but as you read more and more books – or online sources, magazines, and newspapers – the connections in your head begin to add up, to make sense. Such connections – anticipated or surprising – are the most valuable things you can acquire in your efforts to learn and understand the world around you.

(Here I have to add that people also say to me, “You must have a photographic memory.” But my observation is that those same people remember thousands of musical tunes, hundreds of movies and stars, zillions of baseball or football games – whatever interests them. We all remember huge amounts of information. It is just a matter of what engages and intrigues us, and how well we connect it to everything else in our heads.)

The book is worthless to me if I cannot savor it. So I have a pen and tablet nearby – or whatever method works for you – to make notes, copy quotes, argue with the author, sketch out my own ideas, or list books or other references I need to buy or seek out at the library. If I start reading a story in the middle of the book, and find it fascinating – particularly if it is linked to something or someone I already know about – then I am free to spend all day with the book if I want. I do not put limits or boundaries on myself, other than my desire to learn, to get fresh ideas and insights.  If I am reading the book along and realize that I am not really learning anything, that the text is either repetitive or full of gibberish, it is time to shelve the book and move on.

The Power of the Index

With all this momentum, I then go to the guts of my digesting system – the index. First I look up every topic that I can think of, that I know something about, that I expect to find in this book. If it’s a history of hotels, I look up Conrad Hilton. If it’s a book about Ford, I look up Alfred Sloan, the man who built General Motors and passed up Ford in 1927. If it’s about the United Arab Emirates, I look up Dubai. If it’s about the history of Indiana, I look up Anderson, the city where I grew up. If it’s about Paris, I look up the Bon Marche department store or the St. Sulpice Church, two of my favorite places. If it’s about math, I look up my beloved Fibonacci series. In other words, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that I can link to, anything that I can hang my hat on. People, places, events, ideas, topics.

As I go through the index in this manner, the fingers (or origami sheets) are flying and I am reading the references in the book to these items. If I do not understand the story, or cannot figure out why Henry Ford loved (or hated) Sloan, I read the paragraphs before or after – I get the context required to understand what’s going on. Sometimes I have to make lists of page numbers that I need to read and gradually tick them off as I flip through the book.

And I ALWAYS see things in the index I did not expect. What is Indianapolis doing mentioned in a book about the history of chemistry? Why would a book about hotels mention my teacher, the economist Milton Friedman? More fingers, more lists, more readings.

You can see why I HATE nonfiction books where the publisher was too cheap to compile an index; they are almost useless for my purposes.

I have read entire books this way, never reading more than 3 or 4 pages sequentially, but ultimately reading almost every page.

Books for Life

Once I have “locked onto” a book in this way, the book is mine for life. I can go back to it over and over, and always find joy in it. I know when I need to turn to it, I know what answers I can find in it. Every book becomes a reference book. (It has been said that intelligence is not about knowing everything, but about knowing where to find everything.)

The books build upon each other. When I ran a bookstore chain, the publishers tended to send me free books until I convinced them to stop. The last thing I want is a book that does not fit into my library, that does not match my knowledge-seeking needs. At the other extreme, I have spots all over my library where the book I am looking for has not yet been written, but I leave the shelf open for the day it is published. You’d be surprised at how often my dreams come true and the blank spot is filled.

Perhaps the reason this system works – at least for me – is that I am passionate. I am having the time of my life. Each page takes my existing knowledge to a new level, takes my explorations one step deeper into the jungle of understanding. I started reading under the covers with a flashlight as a kid, seeking to avoid parental detection. The only thing that has changed is now I can read all night without getting into trouble, so I shucked the flashlight and covers.

I mentioned that there are some books this method does not work for; even some nonfiction books. I love textbooks and alphabetical reference books (dictionaries and encyclopedias), and I don’t use this method on them (you can imagine how fast I fly from one entry to another as I explore some subject area, putting dozens of bookmarks or fingers in the pages). Another favorite type of book are what I call “toolchests” – basically catalogs of ideas or techniques, rather than being a single long essay on one topic or point of view like most nonfiction books. On my website I reviewed Universal Principles of Design and another titled Turning Numbers into Knowledge that are amazing toolchest books. I would like to think my own book, The Art of Enterprise, fits in this category.

In the meanwhile, I hope the thoughts on the preceding pages will spur you to some new insights and ways of doing things. If you really give yourself the freedom to control and own your books and magazines, you will find that you can turn such methods on and off at will. You will spend less time and energy, but your understanding of the world around you and how it works will expand geometrically!

Here is a recent article in the Harvard Business Review which echoes many of my methods.

Here is a great book that explores more deeply the various ways to read books.

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