Are you on Broadband Curiosity



Another Short Tip for Entrepreneurs: Curiosity Band
Are you broadband or narrow band?
Is your curiosity driven or just piddling around?
A few evenings ago, I sat at a restaurant bar, eating dinner around the crowd from Austin’s great SXSW event.
Sat between two interesting technical guys, and learned a lot about servers and routers. But, as is often the case, I was pretty amazed at how little they knew about the world around them. This happens to me all the time, and seems especially true of lots of bright young people with high IQ’s.
Maybe I have just been around long enough to have seen the world and studied a lot of it, but I also know a couple of handfuls of twenty-somethings who already have intensely broadband curiosity.
Yes, they know their own field, they know what they studied in school, they know what their job is at work, but they also know a bit about the world, about business and nonprofits in general, about travel and politics, and of course food music art sports or whatever else grabs their attention. Go meet Jacob Salamon in London or James Norris in Singapore, both graduates in recent years of the University of Texas at Austin.
Your life will not only be greatly enhanced and enlightened by having powerful curiosity, but I think you will enjoy it a lot more, too. Get out and see places you don’t think you’d like, try music that is unusual, read the Economist magazine every issue, ask everyone you meet about what they do and whether they like their work or not and why. Talk to lots of strangers, on planes, at parties. Get off your own subjects. Seek answers from bosses, workers, rich, poor, high and low. Look everywhere.
Get on the broadband!