Learning Opportunities with Gary Hoover

I wanted to update you on my latest learning opportunities.  Please pass this along to anyone you think might be interested.

High school class

In early September, I gave a four-hour class in entrepreneurship for high school students ($50 for students, $100 for parents and others).  It was a big hit, drawing over 70 people.  I plan to give this course again before the year is out.  Right now it looks like I will give it twice, on Saturday October 29 and again Saturday November 5, at the Acton MBA campus in Austin. Due to limited seating, reservations will be required. If you would like to be on the mailing list for this course, please email me at garyhoov@msn.com.

See the world like an entrepreneur:


Oaxaca tour Oct 6-10 and Mexico City tour December

I have wanted to start taking people on entrepreneurial thinking tours to help them discover the unexpected, either here in the US, or in surprising places abroad.  Three of us went to Russia and Thailand two years ago, and all of us still treasure the great learning experience of walking through the streets thinking like an entrepreneur.
The first tour will be in early October, when a very small group of us will go to Oaxaca, Mexico, a vibrant art, food, and music center, with giant ruins 15 minutes from downtown.  It’s a wonderful city.  We fly down on Thursday evening, October 6, and come home Monday October 10.  We are staying at beautiful hotel right next to the cathedral, facing the main square, where there is always dancing and music.  The cost will be about $1500 or so per person.  Three of us are signed up and we have room for up to three more.
I am also getting some interest in going down to Mexico City, sometime in December, possibly over Christmas itself.  This would be 6 nights in the heart of the city for $2000 or less.  I believe this is the most underestimated city on earth: 400,000+ street sellers, perhaps more museums than any city in the world, amazing food, new sights and sounds everywhere, safer than you have been told.  This is one of the great cities of the world.
Prices above include hotel, airfare, single room accommodations, food, ground transport, and me to plan the trip and show you around!  Email me at garyhoov@msn.com if interested.
I hope to do many more such trips, and am open to your suggestions.  

Art of Enterprise 10-week course in entrepreneurial thinking

I just started the third course for 2011 and will likely next offer it in January, 2012, although I may start another class before that.   The first class is free so you can “test drive” it.  I give that free class twice, once on Wednesday evening and again Saturday afternoon.  The course then takes place on succeeding Wednesday evenings.  All classes last four hours and take place at the new Tech Ranch location, 9111 Jollyville Road, Suite 100.  Here are a couple of comments from my most recent group of students, who wrapped up their course last week:
“Gary’s passion for business, books, and the world at large is contagious and unrivaled. I looked forward to this class every week, and I’m grateful for the perspective shifts it has brought. While I thought I was a keen observer, Gary’s class has fine-tuned my abilities to ask better questions in order to gain deeper entrepreneurial insights.”
“If you have ever dreamed of having a business of your own and want a great foundation on which to build your business, this class is for you.   You will learn how to think like an entrepreneur to identify trends and opportunities and set those ideas in motion.  I can’t remember a time when I was more interested, intrigued, inspired or involved in a class.  I not only learned about business but it changed the way I think on a very deep level.   I find myself looking at opportunities to make things profoundly better.”
More testimonials and customer comments at https://hooversworld.com/archives/3744.
You can watch a short video about this $1250 course at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GG7XZGofa-c..

Retail walk-through

Several people have taken my four-hour class in retailing, and many more have heard me speak on the history of retailing.  On September 9 I led my first walking tour through some stores to see retailing through my eyes.  It cost $200 and took place from 2 to 5 PM at Southpark Meadows shopping center in Austin.  I am looking forward to doing this again.  Email me at garyhoov@msn.com if you are interested.

Other learning opportunities

I have started a video blog, full of free tips about everything from entrepreneurship to big business to book reviews; see http://www.youtube.com/user/hooverbits.  More videos here, including my five industry history talks (retailing, computers, airlines, movies, autos):  http://mccombstoday.org/gary-hoover-video-library/.  And I continue to add items at my blog https://hooversworld.com/
I also am doing a fair number of speeches around Austin, including the LaunchPad Job Club on Thursday, October 13.