Sounds of Southeast Asia : Free Downloads



Okay, folks, this post is very experimental.
I am not even sure it will all work correctly until I test it out, so bear with me.
I love sounds. Yes, I also love music, but I love pure sounds. The sound of locomotive horns, the sounds of the subway, the sound of a busy family restaurant, the sounds of the crowd at a baseball game. 
Sounds can be fun to listen to, they can teach you about the place they were recorded, and they can be fun to mix up with other sounds in making your own sounds and/or music.
So over the years I have started collecting sounds. In the future I hope to post sounds from some of my collection of world musical instruments – some of them are giant gongs from Java and Bali.
These days I carry with me at all times an Edirol R-09 recorder (first generation model) which has a built-in stereo mike and can record at above CD quality (and therefore way above MP3 quality). It records onto SD memory chips, which are cheap and available everywhere, and runs a LONG time on two AA batteries, so it is a great gadget, both portable and easy to use. It is very user friendly, with a little backlit menu. I have not tried the new “High Resolution” model but I am sure it is even better, knowing the product quality standards of Edirol and their parent company, Roland. There are now several great competing handheld recorders; you can find all of them at any of the big musical instrument websites – is my favorite – or at your local Guitar Center (another great outfit) or other music store. 
Some models are available at Amazon, as shown to the right.  they range from under $200 to about double that figure.
A week ago I returned from a trip to Moscow, Chiang Mai (Thailand), and Singapore. In Chiang Mai I really put the recorder to work. I captured a bunch of different sounds, which I have made available to you here, and which I hope I have labeled descriptively. You should feel free to put these to any use you can find. If you use them commercially, please give hooversworld some credit. Have fun!
(If things are working the way I intended, you should need to be registered to get these files; I’ve tried to make registration easy, and of course it’s free.  Click on the links to listen to them.  Right click on the link and save the target file to your hard disk to save them for your own use.  The .WAV files are  10-50 megabytes each so they may take a couple of minutes to download.)